The South West FamilySource Center (FSC) is located in South Los Angeles. We provide a continuum of services to assist low-income families become self-sufficient by increasing family income and academic achievement for youth and adults.
Our FSC is a one-stop community center that offer a host of social, educational, work and family support services, including multi-benefit screening, pre-employment and employment supports, youth education and cultural after-school activities including tutoring and college corner activities. Case management services are available to low-income parents and guardians, and their children 17 years and under.
2069 W. Slauson Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90047
tel: 323.998.0093
If your family is in need of support from El Nido Family Centers, please contact the South-West FamilySource Center by phone: 323.998.0093
Services Include:
Case Management
Financial Coaching
Financial Literacy Workshops
Rent/Utility Assistance (based on availability)
Diapers, children items, hygiene items
Educational Assessments with LAUSD PSA Counselor
Onsite DPSS: CalFresh/Food stamps, Medi-Cal
VITA Tax Return Preparation
LADWP & Gas Company Discount Programs
Immigration Legal Assistance (CARECEN)
Housing Linkages
Employment Resources and Job Fairs
Dance: Beginner and Advanced Classes
Tutoring: Elementary, middle, and high school
College Corner: Assistance in applying and succeeding in college
Employment Readiness